In understanding the practice of design through the methodology of Organic Multiplicity, particular attention must be given to the ideas of nurturance and growth as central themes within any endeavor. This positive approach to engaging in design can enable greater individual creative development and provide a more productive and constructive approach to management. As a business model for industry, Organic Multiplicity would promote a more environmentally harmonious way of engaging in the capitalist system.

Nurturance and growth are critical components in the healthy development of the creative self. Being supportive to others and to ourself brings forth courage and determination. Having an open mind to change and adaptation allows for gaining insight and wisdom. Retaining our curiosity and enthusiasm allows us to see the uniqueness of every moment and the simple wonders of the world in which we live. By being involved in these processes of nurturance and growth,
we enable ourselves to evolve in a constructive fashion, giving ourselves the tools to fulfill our dreams.

While traditional methods of management focus on the defects and imperfections of our personalities, Organic Multiplicity promotes nurturance and growth through a positive management strategy based upon the idea of enhancing our natural abilities and enabling them to grow and evolve. This approach to management is inspired by "First, Break All the Rules," a book written by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman of The Gallup Organization. Their management strategy is based upon "Four Keys:" hiring employees based upon their natural talents; managing employees by defining their goals and desired outcomes, rather than by micromanaging their methods and processes; focussing on strengths and abilities of employees, rather than their defects or imperfections; and finally, as employees grow, encouraging them to find meaningful roles within the organization. These nurturing goals are fully embraced by the methodology of Organic Multiplicity.

Beyond its role in industry as the mechanism for the creation and evolution of a brand's marketing promise, design can be considered as a methodology for development and deployment of products or services. Within this broader definition of the role of design in industry, the methodology of Organic Multiplicity would bring a number of opportunities to the business community.
In relation to the creation of a business model, Organic Multiplicity would promote ideas that would create sustainable and stable revenue growth, versus short-lived, unsustainable strategies. Because of its environmentally friendly mandate, the methodology of Organic Multiplicity would encourage environmentally responsible manufacturing practices, the creation of sustainable consumption, and the utilization of renewable energy technology. Driven by the stability of long-term profitability, progressive and proactive companies will view these practices as a means of securing their survival in an economy of limited resources and restrictive market share. For in this new century, humanity will face the enormous evolutionary challenge of developing systems of sustainable industry and benevolent consumerism, in a globally interconnected world of finite resources and environmental liabilities.