Take Note:
For the first release version (1.001) of this site, the Commentary
and Artwork areas are currently awaiting
sufficient critical quantities to warrant uploading and therefore
their corresponding buttons, above,
not have continuing links. It is hoped that
you will have some patience with the site's nascent state and be
assured that I have every intention of putting up even a small amount
of submitted content in the very near future.
area of the site allows you to express yourself in various ways.
You're involvement is just as important to the future development
of Organic Multiplicity as any of my contributions. Your voice,
your observations and insights, and your creativity are an important
part of the lifeblood of this site. So I invite you to express yourself
and be a valued part of this site's content.
submit your work, please use the Submissions button, above, and
follow the guidelines provided.