Rights of Use Agreement

In submitting writings, artwork, or other media, You (the Submitter) agree to allow Steven Soshea Design the right to edit, adjust, and otherwise modify all content to conform to the Guidelines for Submission. You also agree that such submissions are done in a voluntary manner, given by You with free rights of use by Steven Soshea Design. Therefore, such submissions do not constitute any binding agreement between Steven Soshea Design and You, including monetary or any other form of compensation. Steven Soshea Design agrees to make all reasonable efforts to ensure that an indication of authorship shall be given with all submissions. Steven Soshea Design reserves the right to reject any and all submissions which may be deemed offensive or otherwise inappropriate for this site's audience, objectives, and use. You agree that all submissions are free for you to give without violating the pre-existing ownership or usage rights of others. You also agree to indemnify Steven Soshea Design of any and all liabilities or wrongdoings brought upon by your actions or inactions.


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